Angwech Collines

Angwech Collines was born in Northern Uganda during the height of the war. She expressed that during her childhood all she knew was this war, commuting nightly to sleep under street verandas in order to reduce the chance of being abducted and recruited into Joseph Kony's army of child soldiers.

She is currently traveling the U.S. with Invisible Children sharing her story and advocating on behalf of the people in DR Congo, Central African Republic and Sudan who are currently being terrorized by Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army.

When she returns home she will be attending Gulu University on a scholarship from Invisible Children's Legacy Scholarship Program. Angwech will pursue a degree in Development Studies in anticipation of working with the community and representing them in Parliament. Once she graduates, she will be among the 1% of women from Northern Uganda who have completed university.


Protection Plan Update: Collines

2011Valerie Grant